Feel You _HOT_
The ability to share the other's feelings, known as empathy, has recently become the focus of social neuroscience studies. We review converging evidence that empathy with, for example, the pain of another person, activates part of the neural pain network of the empathizer, without first hand pain stimulation to the empathizer's body. The amplitude of empathic brain responses is modulated by the intensity of the displayed emotion, the appraisal of the situation, characteristics of the suffering person such as perceived fairness, and features of the empathizer such as gender or previous experience with pain-inflicting situations. Future studies in the field should address inter-individual differences in empathy, development and plasticity of the empathic brain over the life span, and the link between empathy, compassionate motivation, and prosocial behavior.
Feel You
Whatever you decide, it's important to do what's right for you and not to compare yourself with others. Your friends and family members may share some of the same feelings. If you feel comfortable, share this information with them.
Even if you feel out of control, there are ways you can take charge. It may help to learn as much as you can about your cancer. The more you know, the more in control you'll feel. Ask your doctor questions and don't be afraid to say when you don't understand.
It's very normal to ask, "Why me?" and be angry at the cancer. You may also feel anger or resentment towards your health care providers, your healthy friends, and your loved ones. And if you're religious, you may even feel angry with God.
If you feel angry, you don't have to pretend that everything is okay. It's not healthy to keep it inside you. Talk with your family and friends about your anger. Or, ask your doctor to refer you to a counselor. And know that anger can be helpful in that it may motivate you to take action.
Some fears about cancer are based on stories, rumors, or wrong information. To cope with fears and worries, it often helps to be informed. Most people feel better when they learn the facts. They feel less afraid and know what to expect. Learn about your cancer and understand what you can do to be an active partner in your care. Some studies even suggest that people who are well-informed about their illness and treatment are more likely to follow their treatment plans and recover from cancer more quickly than those who are not.
Some doctors think that hope may help your body deal with cancer. So, scientists are studying whether a hopeful outlook and positive attitude helps people feel better. Below are some ways you can build your sense of hope.
When you're sad, you may have very little energy, feel tired, or not want to eat. For some, these feelings go away or lessen over time. But for others, these emotions can become stronger. The painful feelings don't get any better, and they get in the way of daily life. This may mean you have depression. Some people don't know that depression is a medical condition that can be treated. For some, cancer treatment may have added to this problem by changing the way the brain works.
If your doctor thinks that you suffer from depression, they may give you medicine to help you feel less tense. Or they may refer you to other experts. Don't feel that you should have to control these feelings on your own. Getting the help you need is important for your life and your health.
If you feel guilty, know that many people with cancer feel this way. You may blame yourself for upsetting the people you love or worry that you're a burden in some way. Or you may envy other people's good health and be ashamed of this feeling. You might even blame yourself for lifestyle choices that you think could have led to your cancer.
Remember that having cancer is not your fault. It may help you to share your feelings with someone. Let your doctor know if you would like to talk with a counselor or go to a support group. (See more tips below.)
Look for emotional support in different ways. It could help you to talk to other people who have cancer or to join a support group. Or you may feel better talking only to a close friend, family member, counselor, or a member of your faith or spiritual community. Do what feels right for you.
People have found that when they express strong feelings like anger or sadness, they're more able to let go of them. Some sort out their feelings by talking to friends or family, other cancer survivors, a support group, or a counselor. But even if you prefer not to discuss your cancer with others, you can still sort out your feelings by thinking about them or writing them down.
It can be hard for people to know how to talk to you about your cancer. Often loved ones mean well, but they don't know what to say or how to act. You can make them feel more at ease by asking them what they think or how they feel.
Whatever activity helps you unwind, you should take some time to do it. Meditation, guided imagery, and relaxation exercises are just a few ways that have been shown to help others; these may help you relax when you feel worried.
If you feel something sticking in your throat, but can eat and drink normally and without pain, you do not need to worry. Many people with globus sensation notice the symptoms most when they are swallowing their saliva, or that it increases with stress and worry. Your symptoms can vary from day to day.
If you think you might be stressed, try to relax in a way that is doable for you and your situation. Breathing and relaxation exercises can sometimes help, but if you feel you need further help with managing stress, your GP can discuss this with you.
Your mood may be something that you've tried to achieve (such as peacefulness from doing yoga) or something over which you feel you have no control (such as annoyance about a parking ticket). And it may last only a short while, or hang around.
You probably know that you feel good when you are in a positive mood (such as when you feel content, loving or excited). And you probably know you feel much worse when you are in a negative mood (such as when you feel anxious, disgusted or annoyed).
Usually, a low mood goes away quite quickly and does not require treatment. But, if your low moods are lasting for more than two weeks and you have felt sad, down or miserable most of the time or have lost interest in most of your usual activities, you could have depressionExternal Link . Make an appointment to talk to your GP about how you are feeling.
Mindfulness External Link is a popular approach to managing low mood, in which you maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and environment. You accept what comes without judgement.
While moods are common in children, sometimes their moodiness can be a sign of something more serious too. Talk to your children about how they are feeling. If you're concerned there is something more serious going on, see a healthcare professional.
More recently, a dramatic study with a blindsight patient has shown how we might be able feel that we are being looked at, without even consciously seeing the watchers' face. Alan J Pegna at Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, and team worked with a man called TD (patients are always referred to by initials only in scientific studies, to preserve anonymity). TD is a doctor who suffered a stroke which destroyed his visual cortex, leaving him cortically blind.
Scientists have known for some time that a full stomach is only part of what causes someone to feel satisfied after a meal; the brain must also receive a series of signals from digestive hormones secreted by the gastrointestinal tract.
Eating foods that are good for you and staying physically active may help you reach and maintain a healthy weight and improve how you feel. You also may find that moving more and eating better could help you keep up with the demands of your busy life and be there for the people who depend on you.
When taken as prescribed, Xanax (alprazolam) can help people with anxiety disorders or panic attacks by promoting a feeling of calm. Xanax is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines, known on the street as benzos and by other names. It works by slowing the activity of your central nervous system, which may help you feel calm and free from worry and panic.
Xanax is a depressant and boosts the effects of a chemical in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid, which results in calmness and feeling relaxed. For many people, the drug helps curb anxiety and promote sleep.
It can also make you feel drowsy and lightheaded and may make you less mentally alert, so operating machinery and motor vehicles is not recommended while taking Xanax until you know how it makes you feel.
Usually, Xanax is taken to treat transitory feelings of anxiety or until the effect of an antidepressant such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) kicks in. SSRIs can take up to six weeks to be fully effective.
Childhood trauma not only leaves emotional scars, it leaves the child with a distorted view of themselves; they live with self-blame, with a fear of replicating these wounds, with a view of a world forever unsafe, clouding any feelings of happiness.
When your unhappiness has become your new normal, your view of yourself and what you present to others, it can feel unsettling and confusing when you don't feel this way even for brief periods of time. You can't allow yourself to savor or build on these moments of happiness because instead you automatically feel guilty and anxious.
If there is some regret, guilt, or wound that is haunting you and undermining your happiness, you want to find a way to put it to rest, to get some closure. Here you send a letter to someone you feel you hurt; you apologize for some wrong. And if the other person cannot be reached, write the letter anyway; create some closing ceremony, some act of contrition that acknowledges what happened but also allows you to acknowledge that it is now over.
Daily Thought Meaning- Through simple lines, Buddha wants to tell us that how our thoughts and feelings are shaping our life. We are becoming what we are thinking most of the time. Similarly, we are attracting things in life as per our feelings. To shape a good life, we need to check our thoughts, feelings, and imagination so that we can create a good life. When we think, feel and imagine in a positive way then we create a positive life for us. 041b061a72